Wednesday 19 December 2012

Installing OpenFiler

Openfiler is an Open Source Network Attached Storage and Storage Area Network, Open filer supports volume based partitioning on native file systems, Supports quota-based resource allocation and helps allocating shares for various network file systems.

Below procedure helps Installing Open filer using graphical Installation method on virtual machine
To begin installation attach the openfiler iso file  to CD\DVD drive through virtual machine settings

Click on connect at power on and boot the virtual machine It displays

Hit Enter to go for graphical installation 

Select language and keyboard whichever you want and next comes disk partitioning, you can either select automatic partitioning or manual partition and create partitions.

In network configuration step you would configure machine ip address and other settings like hostname,gateway and dns etc.

Set the root password

Once you finish these steps click next and it starts the installation process

Once you get installation complete screen you can click on reboot to boo the machine and you will be presented with screen like this

To access the open filer through the web browser use following

Management Interface: https://<ip of openfiler host>:446

Administrator Username: openfiler

Administrator Password: password

Now you are ready to access your open filer through web browser like this

We will discuss using the Open Filer in coming blogs.

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